Tuesday, July 29, 2008

korg doakan utk negara kita ni...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
korg kalau perasan negara kita diambang x betul...tengok sajalah kt dewan parlimen bergaduh sana sini..pastu 16 september ni mcm mana??...korg x risau ke kalau kerajaan jatuh ke tangan org yg salah pastu negara ni dijual ke negara lain?...kalau benda tu dh berlaku masa tu nk ambil tindakan sia-sia jelah...masa tu mcm mana kita nk hidup..org muslim especially..kalau negara ni jatuh ke tangan yg benci islam xke naya hidup kita org islam nnt..xleh pg masjid..xleh pakai tudung pastu xleh puasalah..mcm mana 2...kalau non muslim plak mungkin korg xdpt semua yg korg dpt skrg ni..mmglah negara ni melebihkan kepada org melayu tp korg kene fahamlah..org melayu dh bertapak di sini sebelum korg lg..cuba korg diletakkan ditempat kitaorg..mesti korg buat bende yg samakan utk pelihara bangsa korg..tp kalau kita buat perbandingan kt US lg teruk..at least kt sini kehidupan non bumi selesa dan ada yg mewah lebih dari bumi..kalau kt US sana golongan minority sedikit pun x ditolong..diaorg dilayan seperti sampah..nk naik teksi pun susah..pastu pg sekolah asyik bergaduh dan bunuh membunuh.so kalau difikirkan balik..negara ni lebih baik dari mereka..kt sini golongan non bumi dapat pertolongan dari kerajaan dan xde diskriminasi..cuma ada cetain bhg saja yg kerajaan perlu pertahankan utk org bumi ni utk sebab yg korg tau tau lah sendiri perangai org bumi kan..sampai Tun Mahathir pun give up nk ubah kitaorg....so jomlah kita bersatu dan suarakan kita punye suara...kalau kita bergabung mmg kita akan kuat...open ur hearts people...save our country

Sunday, July 27, 2008

to be good or not to be good...nk jd baik atau x jd baik

Sunday, July 27, 2008
well this is my first posting which im gonna use a mix of english and malay..im getting bored reading my posting in one language only..jadi sekarang sy nk campur aduk...so please give ur comment if u like it or not..jd tajuk kali ini adalah nk jadi baik atau xnk jd baik...itu adalah soalan yg bermain di kepala otak sy ni...semenjak belajar di uitm segamat ni sy dh belajar byk bende..mostly about people's behaviour...sy dh tgk byk ragam manusia yg kita anggap sbg kwn pastu bertukar menjadi duri dlm daging kita..kwn yg kita anggap dia berniat baik nk berkwn rupanya mengambil kesempatan keatas kita...that's what makes me realize that i cannot be the person i was was before i came to uitm..for instance i want to give example but im not gonna tell who that person is...anyway org yg sy nk cite ni telah mengambil kesempatan keatas kesanggupan sy utk membuat keje org lain..ni berlaku masa part 2(biasalah part 2 still naive lg)...dimana masa tu kene siapkan assignment...dateline tggl seminggu je..sy dh siapkan bhgian sy but another 2 of my x group mate didnt do theirs..so here i come to save the day...typing until the wee hours in the morning...and then asking for an extension date because i couldnt finish all of it..next occurs when new batch of part 1 enter..well at first they were ok because they didnt dare to enter my room because sy dan arafat masa 2 bengang sgt kt diaorg..sbb diaorg pg buat bday celebration(korg taulah mcm mana bday celebration 2..mandi air sampah pastu lari sana sini..mcm monyet)anyway lepas part 1 diaorg masuk part 2...ni yg mendtgkan masalah..maklumlah dh naik part 2..kepala pun naiklah..masa 2 sy baru buat celcom broadband..i mean i dont care if you wanna use the internet to do ur assignment or just for leisure but for god sake man try to be considerate of the people in the room..they were online until i dont know what time but they were making alot of noise...me and arafat couldnt sleep...bengang je...dahlah kelas pkl 8 pagi...and finally i never told anybody this but i guess i should tell somebody sebelum sy jadi gilo...a friend of mine who i befriended for sometime is well to my point of view is taking advantage of me..i mean i dont see him taking advantage of his other friends..situasinye begini...ada sekali tu masa nk mkn tgh hari dia xde duit..so sy kesian kan dia sy bglah pinjam..duit tu x byk sikit je...lepas dia dh ada duit sy mintaklah..mcm biasalahkan..tp dia boleh ckp x payahlah..anggap sy blanje dia..so sy x kisahlah..jumlah pun x byk...but from that point onwards i made up my mind not to loan him any money..what pisses me off is when he is out of money and he want money he ask like we're royalties..promising this and that..but after that when we want the money back he puts us off like we're some unknown person..that is what i dont like...if you make a loan or a promise with somebody(melainkan janji tu memudaratkan anda)tolonglah bayar balik atau tunaikannya(and there are other stuff that occurs but i dont wanna get into it also)...because to gain a person's trust isnt easy...but to lose it is a simple as blinking ur eyes...i want to make the best out of the friendship that i have right now..tp tulah perkara mcm ni yg membuatkan sy rasa malas nk mempertahankan persahabatan ni..i dont need wealth or other material things and it is not suppose to be the purpose of your friendship either..i just need true friends who i can count on when i need them the most..so mcm sy dgr dari ceramah utk viva analysis pg tadi..semuanya berbalik kepada niat..kalau kita ikhlas berkwn then the friendship will last longer kalau x then perang mulut jelah nnt..anyway semua yg sy bgtau ni bknlah dgn niat nk memburuk atau mengaibkan org but just my view and opinion and also to advise so that we may change for the better..mmg betul yg kita punye characteristic yg membuatkan kita special dari yg lain tp kita kene ingat kalau characteristic kita tu membuatkan org lain sakit hati apa gunanya..so tulah nk jadi baik masalah nk jadi x baik pun masalah..susahkan dunia ni..tp mcm quotation from mother theresa...life is a challenge,confront it...life is life,fight for it...so kalau korg ada yg berubah hati dulu baik skrg jd mcm entah xtau nk kata apa silalah cite...it will really help us to grown into a better person..

Monday, July 21, 2008

wow...this is gonna be a tough sem

Monday, July 21, 2008
well i guess its too early to say this but from the looks of it this sem is gonna be the toughest sem i've ever face..yet...with me living outside of campus and all..i guess its kinda hard to have group discussion where as i have fellow team mates inside the campus..so i have to go back home get changed come back to the campus and start having the discussion quickly because the administration only allow the NR(non resident)student to stay back until 10.30..well thats a bummer cuz sometimes our discussion need more time to plan...i guess thats what makes me reluctant to live outside of campus cuz when i dont have enough information i cant meet my fellow team mates to discuss..well i hope this doesnt demotivate me to do the best...anyway i pity my team mates cuz they have to wait for me and they cant discuss with me if they dont know anything...sorry u guys..i hope next sem i can apply for college and get it...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

the crisis begins....bambambam...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
well its been awhile since i my last entry...i been busy tending to my family needs that i completely didnt have time to blog...this year has proven to be quite a challenge for my physical and mental capacity...it started with my mum cancer making a comeback..after that everything just went downhill...my recent behaviour shift didnt make things easier...anyway that was the jist of the problems that has yet to come...starting this sem i've told u guys out there that i have to stay outside of campus...and well apparently everything is a disaster..first it started with the my friends parents complaining the house that i've rent is far..well i thats true i dont deny that..but where else could u find a 2 storey house that cost about RM400 a month..and well since i hate crowded places this house is a perfect choice...just the distance..but hey this is nothing compare to the real life..some people live in seremban and work in kl..they face it with sheer determination and thats what im gonna do..im gonna get dl back this sem insyaallah..and finish my diploma without regrets and get the hell out of segamat..well lets hope my will is strong enough to face the problems since 3 of my best friends are applying for college and leaving the house..well all the best to all of u guys out there...lets end this year with a really spectacular show...
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