Monday, September 29, 2008

owh mannn...there goes my civic 2.0

Monday, September 29, 2008
if u guys read the news paper on sunday the 29 of oct..the headline says costlier cars..when they said costlier they meant costlier..because of the BLR( i thinks its bank lending rate..but if im wrong please correct me) has increase to between 3.4% and 4.5%...that is crazy..before this it was 2.7%...which means as stated in the newspaper a myvi payed with loan will cost about RM51k ++ with the old rate but with the new rate the price payed with the loan is RM55k ++..which means because of the interest rate, we have to pay RM4k extra..but thats for national cars which are less expansive than international cars...but if u wanna buy a honda civic it cost about RM130k but that is before paying it with loan..if payed with loan with interest rate 1of 3.4%..that is if the interest rate is at that will cost about RM 133k ++...with the monthly installment of RM1440.21...why now??..why now??..why can it be in 2010??...i guess i should wait until everything settled down before buying new car..i have to make do with the myvi that im using right now..oh well...i should be grateful i have car right??..i know some of u might say that but well its kinda a habit for me to wanna own new cars and gadget..but im seeing this as an opportunity cost because i can buy either a new laptop or the pda handphone that i posted in the previous post..hehehe...if anything i wish the country doesnt fall flat on its face just like the so called world police..lets continue hoping and praying...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

one last chance...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
well apparently the issue that i blog about this past month has come to a climaks...apparently the person that i blog about thinks he can talk about me but using his friends blog(please man)...that person thinks i have a big ego but in truth that person ego is well the only ego that exist and its huge...thinking that the problem start when he purposely...i repeat purposely spill air kelapa in my car(i mean what??)...its like children under the age of 5 who figure out that the stupid way of doing stupid things is to sabotage other people's belongings...the problem starts..need i remind the readers again is when i went to kl from segamat and then went back to segamat on the same day..not when that person spill air kepala in my car..that person suddenly refuse to talk to me...if i ask question, he would only tell other people to tell it me(what a joke)...i mean its my car that got me to kl and back..and also prayers to god.not anyone else..not that person..he couldn't even pay the house rent on time but brag about wanting to buy expensive where the hell im going is my business..DONT parents have given me the rights to go anywhere when im in campus...WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME I CANT GO ANYWHERE??and whoever i want to tell it to thats my decision....i dont trouble u..u dont trouble me...and apparently your demanding, manipulative and like one of my friends said...sedition attitude has been noticed by other people before i notice it..and i thank god for showing me who you really are this sem...well it seems another person who like manipulation and betrayal has become your friends(aint it ironic)..i remember you were bad mouthing that person just last that person has become your friend(wow..shocker there)...apparently what that person says are all lies..even the friends of the lover of that person knows that the true form of that person...anyway i hope u realize ur mistake and make an apology to all of us..not just me but all of you friends who helped you this past few sem...all of us are in one mind to say to u that if you dont change your ways then well its sayonara to u buster...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

my dream phone...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
i guess im a bit crazy when it comes to technology.....nk je beli semua benda baru yg keluar kt market tapi financial fund je yg xde...anyway someday nnt kalau boleh nk own htc touch sgt phone ni(technically ni pda tp ada ciri2 mcm phone.hahaha)...ada wireless, HSPDA, GPS system, 5 Megapixel camera pastu touch screen...bestnye...hehehe...tambahan dgn bende lain...kalau nk lebih maklumat pglah kt website dia

Sunday, September 21, 2008

takut untuk hadapi next sem....

Sunday, September 21, 2008
hey u bloggers out there..apa khabar...tajuk kali ini sy nk ckp pasal next sem iaitu sem terakhir sy kt uitm segamat be rasa mcm xnk hadapi next sem..mungkin sebab cabaran yg lebih teruk lg atau... nk hadapi masa dimana sy akan meninggalkan kwn2 yg selama 3 tahun kt sini menempuhi cabaran dan dugaan sama2 dgn sy...seperti kene dismissed masuk balik walaupun terpaksa repeat byk paper, kene regging, gangguan oleh manusia dan bukan manusia, betrayal (nk tulis dlm bm tp takot...hehehe), maruah tercemar tetapi sanggup bangun kembali dan kwn menjadi lawan,...semua pengalaman ini yg bg saya sangat berharga dari gaji atau harta yg akan dikumpul nnt..sbb dari pengalaman inilah kita dpt teruskan hidup, bangun menjadi seorang manusia yg berjaya di dunia dan akhirat nnt...tetapi satu je yg sy x sanggup nk hadapi...iaitu perpisahan...lepas ini sy nk kemana??kita nk kemana??dgn siapa??soalan ini selalu bermain di fikiran sy..sebelum ni sy x pernah terfikir pasal perkara ni sbb kita take for granted benda yg ada di depan kita..contohnya masa cuti sem kita fikir pasal kwn kita..alah next sem kita akan jumpe dia lg...x payah nk belanja dia skrg...ada byk masa lg...atau pasal kehidupan kita...alah lama lg baru nk grad...nnt jelah fikir nk kemana...baik fikir pasal hari ni, mcm mana nk outing pg mkn mcd ni...kete xde...pejam celik..pejam celik dh berlalu 3 tahun..semua dah grad..ikut haluan masing-masing..masa tu rasa menyesal sbb x blanje kwn mkn atau x fikir betul2 pasal kehidupan dh terlambat...well sy rasa mulai skrg sy nk cherish whats left of my friendship...enjoy whats left of my free time with them...sbb mungkin lepas ni kita dh x jumpa lg...sibuk dgn kehidupan i suggest korg pun buat sama..until next safe..

Saturday, September 20, 2008

the irony of things

Saturday, September 20, 2008
tajuk kali ini sungguh hangat...hehehhe...sbb bende yg kita sangka..atau nampak tidak betul adalah sebaliknya..dan benda yg kita nampak betul adalah khayalan semata-mata....sem ni sy telah byk belajar tentang kehidupan...tentang manusia...bagi sy x wujud manusia yg happy go lucky...sbb mesti dlm hidup dia, dia akan di bebani masalah..mmg dah lumrah manusia utk diberi ujian..ujian dari yg maha agung...tetapi cara kita tempuhi ujian itu yg membezakan kita dgn manusia belajar yg kita jangan dengar ckp org lain tentang sesuatu perkara melainkan kita dh alaminya...satu pengajaran yg sy belajar dan tempuhi dgn susah,hati yg berat dan kesal...sem ni sy dah nampak benda yg selama ni mengaburi mata dan hati dah perasan tetapi sy tidak mahu nampak apa yg sepatutnya...mungkin sy ingin hidup di dunia fantasi...mcm cerita Kami..dimana mereka semua adalah kwn baik..walaupun ada masalah...tapi berbaik jgk akhirnya...tetapi semua tu hanya di kaca tv...bkn kehidupan sebenar...kehidupan sebenar akan wujud kemungkinan kehilangan org tersebut...dan sy mesti menerima kenyataan ini dan teruskan kehidupan...tetapi yg pasti sy hendak berjaya dlm hidup..tetapi kehidupan baru bermula utk sy..byk lg liku dan dugaan yg menanti..yg lebih teruk..kalau sy x kuatkan semangat dan iman..mungkin akan hanyut dibawa oleh arus yg sesat dari makna kehidupan sebenar..tetapi sy nk berterima kasih kepada mereka yg telah menolong sy selama ini dan meminta maaf terus dari hati sy kepada mereka yg telah sy sakiti secara terang atau akan move on...let bygone be bygone..yg lepas tu biarkan lepas...tidak berguna kita fikir pasal bende yg telah berlaku...wishing we can change it back...skrg ni sy dh ketahui bende yg berharap apa yg sy nampak...apa yg sy percaya hari ini tidak akan dtg dan menikam di belakang sy suatu hari cuma ada family,kwn2 dan agama utk membantu sy menghadapi kehidupan yg sememangnya boleh menjadi tidak adil...dan sy harap sy jgk tidak berubah menjadi perkara yg sy benci...jadi sy meminta tlg kwn2 sy utk membantu sy menjalani kehidupan sy dh ada family yg menyokong di kanan dah ada agama menyokong di atas dan bwh perlukan mereka yg boleh menyokong sy di onegaishimas...atau tolonglah dlm bahasa nk ckp terima kasih kpd mereka yg telah membantu sy menjadi sy yg thanks so much..hanya tuhan yg dapat balas...until next time..
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