something interesting were conveyed to me by my parents today...we were having tea and they were talking about the education system and whether it is effective or not in educating the generation of youngsters today. Apparently, they both agree that it is not effective because when they relate to their time, it seems that the education system right now only focus at academic only while theirs centered at academic and building the skills to survive in this world....and my father told me that he played a lot of sports in his youth and so was my mother..hmmm..pieces of puzzle starting to fit together aint it??
then he told me and what he relayed make me think...he told me that when Christopher Columbus wanted to prove that the world is he wanted to set sail to India..however..he did not land in India but arrived at what we now know as America and met the native there..the red when he sailed back to his homeland, he told his story. when the people did not believe his story, he gave them an egg and told them to make it stand. the non believers try as they might but to no avail. Then Christopher showed it to them. He crack the egg in half and make the egg stand on the cracked when people saw that they said "i can do that too" guys know what is the meaning of this story??
it tells us that there are no rules, opinion or guidelines set to achieve something...dont let people tell us what to do, how to do it and why and when...we have to take risk to discover it on our own..HOWEVER KIDS, THAT APPLIES TO POSITIVE UNDERTAKING...LIKE EDUCATION AND WORK...NOT AS AN EXCUSE TO DO DRUGS,SMOKING OR PROSTITUTION...anyway do not let the people set our mind on how we should think but using the mind to think fo the betterment of the people and oneself...