Monday, February 23, 2009

Celcom gave me more RM 1400 discount for my Celcom line bills

Monday, February 23, 2009
when i received the payment bill last month i was quite worried to open it because before that i used to surf the internet using broadband without using the pay per day. meaning i use the pay per kilobits and my friend Arif was shocked when i told him i just plug and use my simcard to surf the internet. he told me that i was expensive if i do not use the package offered by Celcom.

well there is a pretty good reason to that..hehehe...i didnt know the number to apply for the one day unlimited package. i used to but then Celcom change it and with my Maxis and Celcom number to remember, i was lost in the confusion. Anyway another of my roomate told me that the number to use is *119#.

anyway i dismissed Arif warning and thought well how much could it be... RM100, the most maybe RM500. little did i know what was installed for back to the part where im gonna open my Celcom bill letter...i look at the statement and there it was the bill amount was a staggering RM 1704. i was like OMG..if my mum finds out about this im gonna be cut off using line until i earn my own money...and thats gonna be a long long i quickly stash it inside my car...(wahahaha)

but upon reading more thoroughly, i found out that Celcom gave me more than RM 1400 which im so grateful and relieved...wheeew...but i still need to settle RM 300 for the remaining balance and i need to settle it using my pocket money...oh well...better than RM 1700.. :P...

so the moral of the story is kids, change to Celcom and if you do not know something...please ask around before you get into a hell lot of me..well nearly..ill show u guys the statement later on cuz its in my car and im too lazy to get it..hehehe

1 comment:

arifrusli said...

XNANANANANK!.. nak maxis!

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