Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Tuesday, April 14, 2009
well u guys it seems that its been a while since i post anything on my blog. Currently i am preparing for my final which will end in on the 5th of May 2009....after that date, it will mark the end of 3 years of struggling, learning and hardship...of friendship and enemies, of truth and lies and ultimately..the preparation for the unknown future...well wish me and my friends all the best for the coming future...oh i forgot..it been so long since i post anything that i have a lot to say which has derailed me from what i wanted to tell all of you readers out there.. i am of this moment will change the blog name to FARISABD.BLOGSPOT.COM..this is to ensure the smoothness of remembering the blog's name and also to elevate my brand which my name..wahahaha...anyway i hope you guys tune for more new post that has yet to come..thanks and see ya soon....

ps: it is not at this moment i am going to change the name...but maybe i am going to leave it be for a few days until it has seeps into the mind of the readers...so that they wont panic when they type the old blog name and nothing appeared...and it will stop me from wondering why is there no one visiting my blog anymore..


Anonymous said...

hye faris...goodluck for final..all the best..

husna huda said...

fariz.. hepy belated bday..
kite bru tau..
semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki..

arifrusli said...

encik faris, jangan delete blog or jangan tukar nama blog.

Sila ikut :

1) Jangan mendelete blog anda kerana nama blog asal anda mungkin akan digunakan oleh pihak tertentu untuk tujuan tertentu.

2) Jangan menukar nama blog anda kerana nama blog asal anda mungkin akan digunakan oleh pihak tertentu untuk tujuan tertentu.

Penyelesaian :

Create blog baru bernama farisabd.blogspot.com manakala bagi faris4babble.blogspot.com, sila tinggalkan pemberitahuan. Contohnya :

"This blog has been moved to bla bla bla..."

Advantage : Dapat mengekalkan trafik blog anda kerana umur blog yang tua lebih mendapat tempat di search engine seperti google dan yahoo.

Terima Kasih. Sila bayar dua puluh sen diatas nasihat ini.

arifrusli said...

Oh iya, untuk mencreate blog baru, anda tidak perlu log-in id yang lain. Hanya login guna email asal dan Create a blog. Nanti di Dashboard anda akan terdapat DUA BLOG! Wah Hebat bukan.

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