Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bye bye civic

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Well this is a great start to my 3rd semester in University Malaya. It was the day where every muslim in the country waiting for but it is also the day that thugs and vile scums took advantage. The first day of puasa my car was stolen. Yes you heard me...stolen!
I thought it would be a normal day for me to wake up and go to class as usual on a Wednesday. Since it was the 1st day of puasa, i was sort of excited to go to class. I woke up to the sound of my handphone ringing. I look at the caller id and it says mum's driver. I thought that the driver or pakcik as i always call him, wanted to give me some files for my mother. However it struck me as odd when he ask whether i am at class. When i told him i was in the room upstairs, he sounded shock and told me the gate was open and the car was gone. With the state of just woken up from my sleep i could not comprehend what he is saying so i rush downstairs and when i open the front doors....there was nothing there. Its like when your ready to go on stage and when the curtain was drawn, there is no one there. I honestly thought someone was pranking me or something and that i would receive a call saying that my car is being drove around by a bunch of crazy friends. But that wasnt the case. It is really gone. I havent had the car for one year and it was stolen. So after i settle everything i told my mum, who is in the hospital due to complications with her chemotherapy, that my car was stolen. And yes she also didnt believe it at first. Then she told my dad and they told me it was meant to happen and that was a test from Allah S.W.T which will present in benefits we cannot see. So i didnt get to go to class for the rest of the day and i skipped the class for the next day because i was not in the mood. So there you go, my own adventure.

Fyi-i was alone when they took the car so yeah i am grateful they did not get inside the house

Monday, June 28, 2010

Stress and attitude

Monday, June 28, 2010
When i was in London a week ago,i notice a lot of things about them that i began to wonder why they behave the way they are. If you ever been to London you will understand what i am talking about. Their attitude. The british or brits for short term are very polite and respectful to one another. This was a pleasant suprise for me when i entered their store and was greeted with a cheerful hello and a warm smile, something that i would not get when i enter a store in Malaysia. But i wont be talking about that because if i do then it would take a whole week to finish blogging. What i want to talk about is the level of stress difference for the people there and the people in Malaysia that would adversely influence their attitude towards one another. Stress is something that we cannot escape from. It is like breathing only stress varies from person to person and how they cope with it. Stress also can be reduce or increase by everything around us. For example, we just got back from a stressful meeting and wanted to buy a cafe latte. When we reach there, the queue is long and to top it all off, a customer cannot make up her mind whether to have an americano or macchiato. So in this situation the stress from the meeting coupled with the stress from waiting so long in the coffee shop made us angry and agitated not to mention annoyed by that customer. So we lash out to the customer saying to make up your mind or get lost. As we can see here, the atmosphere or the tranquility has been disturb due to our stress level which also affect other people and cause them to lash out also. Imagine another scenario whereby there is no queue and the salesperson smile warmly when you enter their shop. I dont think you will suddenly lash out like a crazy person for no reason whatsoever right? Therefore my theory is this, the brits are already stressful during their work but when they got off from work, they are being pampered and treated like they are someone important and that made their stress level reduce which also affect their behavior. Another factor i saw is that the transportation system is unspeakable amazing. It is always ontime and rarely late. I however cannot say the same thing about Malaysian. The stress from work is not reduce when they got off from work but rather they are added. We can plainly see this like we can see colours through our eyes. When we enter a store, the salesperson either ignores our presence or make a face so sour it makes lemon taste like honey. And then we want to pay for our goods, and something went wrong they lash out at us. Then after that stressful shopping we wait for a cab to take us home only to be denied because they dont take domestic passengers. Then we turn to the bus and waited and waited and waited until finally it arrives after an hour and a half late. So tell me, when did the stress level decrease for Malaysian my fellow readers? If you say at home then i will tell you how wrong you are. So as you can see, we will not become a culture that is well mannered and polite and they should rephrase all the song about Malaysian being that because all those will change in the coming years. We can see a decaying society with a lot of diseases and wounds and what the people and government care about is how to make more money. I guess it is true what my sociology lecturer says about Malaysia in the next 30 years will be surpassed by Indonesia. Anyway that is my theory. Feel free to share your ideas and knowledge and please be dignified and cultured about it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The sign says no but they say yes!

Monday, May 10, 2010
i was with my family buying some food at Jusco Setiawangsa. That Jusco is particularly unique because it has an area where they made it into a garden. well I'm not gonna talk about that but what I want to talk about is the sign that was all around the area saying it is a NON SMOKING AREA!
well with that many sign saying that you could say that the people would understand and adhere to the rules. But i guess being Malaysian they are just so stupid and completely moronic to understand the words written on the board all around the Jusco. There are still people puffing away with not the care in the world.
Maybe i should take the sign and bash them in the head then would the rules get into their thick headed no brain skulls.
Didn't they read in the newspaper and heard it over the news that this country is trying to reduce the growth of cancer rate? Jusco is a family go to place meaning there are small children and babies there. Doesn't your conscience even an ounce of it tug in your I suppose empty brain? Do you even care if you going to give cancer to the young children and babies when they grow up? heck some didn't have the chance to grow up because the cancer kills them at a young age.
i know the suffering of families that have cancer survivor in the family. My mom is one of the cancer survivor. As i am writing this, she just discovered a few weeks ago that her cancer has come back for the fourth time and she is still undergoing chemotherapy.
That is the reason i despise people who smoke. they don't care the lives that they destroy just to have a minute of ecstasy. but i guess that is Malaysian to you, they don't think before they do something.
i think it would take a miracle to make Malaysian a genuine thinking and caring society because Malaysian only do something if they get something in return. THAT IS THE TRUTH!
And on that note i will stop this ranting of mine as I wanna watch P.Ramlee acting in one of his masterpiece

After the exam! one year has past since the end and beginning of a chapter

i have put off blogging for a long time due to the fact that i want to focus on my studies. Anyway, it has been a more than a week since my final exam for my 2nd semester in University Malaya. Which marks the end of the 1st year in University Malaya.
Gosh it has been a year since my last class in UiTM Segamat and also the day i was accepted into University Malaya. All those sweet and bitter memories still hung in my mind just like the smell of curry being cook in the middle of the day, the aroma lingers in the air making you hungry for more.
The fights,disagreements and laughter that i share with my friends are like precious ornaments that you are scared to move, afraid that it will break. Unmovable, it collects dust until finally, it is forgotten just like everything else.
i guess what i am trying to say is, you always take for granted the things you have. That sounds a little cliche, but that is the perfect expression for this.
i always think that there is always tomorrow to talk with my friends, to hangout with them or study with them. But who says tomorrow is waiting for you? you could be sick at the end of the day and tomorrow be bed ridden for the rest of the day. therefore, where is the tomorrow?the next thing you know, it is the end of the semester and you are waving goodbye through the tinted windows of a car, wishing that you could rewind everything and correct every mistakes. but alas, it is only in the fragment of your imagination, like a scratch on the surface of a glass.
But that is the natural thing for a human to feel, reminiscing the lost time and memories. that is what makes a human, human.
Anyway, all i can do in this stage of my life is to move on and make the best possible outcome for myself by not repeating the same mistakes. Can i do that? only time will tell. I also urge all of my friends to make the best of their life also. ikiteimasu my friends

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Malaysia truly asia!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010
i wanted to write this posting for quite a while now but it was put off by other things.
anyway i want to say that i am quite appalled by the behavior of Malaysian. i mean seriously appalled to the point where it can be the same as having an upset stomach when eating something bad or rotten where you have to go to the loo all the time.
to make the story short, i was on my way with my sister to find a venue for my mother's birthday. we were trying to figure out a place to have a private party with good food. so my uncle suggested that i book a place at Bora Ombak.
when i arrive there, i was trying to find a parking and then in front of me there was a van. it was park in the middle of the road. the workers are unloading what looks to be bottles of water. the road is a one way drive. i thought of reversing and then another car came up behind me and another car behind that car.
so scratch the reversing plan. i move forward and stop behind the van with hope that one of the workers would move the van.
needless to say it was quite annoying. one of the worker which i presume to be a foreign worker(dont ask me how i knew...i just knew) said and i quote in Malay.."lalu sahaja...muat tu"...i look at him as if he has 3 heads.
even i notice how small the space was...and that guy has the nerve to say that... what a dumbass..who ask you to park wherever your bloody selfish stupid self wants??...this isn't your road alone...there are other people who will be using the road....i mean is it hard to think about whether you'll be causing others a hassle??
i can do that...i mean i'm  not bragging or anything but me, a 22 year old guy who also has other responsibilities and commitment can think when parking in an undesignated parking space whether it will cause other people problem or not.
therefore why cant you?? i know that if i told this to my parents or my friends they would say...."let it be and be patience" or in Malay.."ala biar jelah....kau sabar je...dah mmg diaorg mcm tu"...but i have been patience since long ago...i like any other people have limit on my patience meter...i can endure so much until i explode...
so to all Malaysian....do not be selfish or stupid or the combination of both.....think about other people because there are those that go in their bloody way to think about you...Thank you and good day!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Tuesday, February 16, 2010
my celcom BIS has created problem ever since i subscribe to it last year....i mean at first it wasnt that serious..but now i have had enough.
the BIS system keeps disconnecting...slow download...and above all...it is expensive...they charge me RM151 month for the BIS and for what?? slow internet service??? that amount didnt total up with my calls and smses....the only good thing about Celcom is that they gave out discounts for their executive plan subscribers....depending on the the plan and amount of usage...however, i know for a fact that they will someday write off the discount and therefore i need to know how is other telco package and their service??
i am looking into Maxis plans and packages and doing the math on how much should i be charge by the end of the month if i switch to Maxis. the only thing that worries me is that, there are hidden charges being induced upon me once I've subscribe to the package. Just like Celcom, they told me that the price was RM68 for the BIS. they forgot to mention the extra RM83 for other charges....
can someone tell me how Maxis package works???it will be really helpful to me...

sifat-sifat Rasulullah S.A.W

 dalam cuba nak tidur, tetiba teringat kat manusia2 yang menghina Rasulullah S.A.W, dan teringat zaman sekolah rendah dulu dimana seorang ustazah menceritakan tentang masa Rasulullah di bumi Taif. Baginda pergi ke bumi Taif untuk menyebarkan dakwah tentang Islam. apabila sampai disana, Baginda telah disambut dengan hina beserta ejekan oleh penduduk Taif. tidak cukup dengan itu, penduduk Taif telah berbaris di sepanjang jalan keluar tempat tersebut dan membaling batu kepada Rasulullah semasa Baginda hendak meninggalkan tempat itu.
Baginda mempunyai luka2 di seluruh badan Baginda. Baginda telah berdoa kepada Allah S.W.T untuk memberikan kekuatan kepada Baginda untuk menempuhi dugaan tersebut. Allah S.W.T telah menghantar malaikat Jibrail A.S untuk berkata kepada Rasullulah..." Ya Rasulullah, saya telah diutuskan oleh Allah S.W.T untuk menunaikan segala perintah kamu. beri sahaja perintah dan saya akan menurunkan puting beliung menghancurkan bumi Taif ini." Rasulullah SAW mendengar percakapan Jibrail AS dan berkata " jangan diapa2 kan manusia di bumi Taif ini. Mereka tidak tahu"...Baginda kemudian berdoa kepada Allah untuk memberi hidayah dan jalan tunjuk ke agama Islam dan menyembah Allah SWT.
cuba kita hayati peribadi Baginda Rasulullah yang mulia ini....Baginda dibaling batu...BATU!!...cuba kalau kita dibaling batu sepanjang jalan dari tol Sungai Besi sampai kat kawasan rehat Serdang tu....apa perasaan kita??mesti kalau ada M16 kita dah tembak semua org yang baling batu tu...tu M16 tau...buatan manusia...yang hanya boleh bunuh kalau kita tembak kene sasaran....tapi Rasulullah SAW...Allah SWT utuskan malaikat....MALAIKAT!! org biasa x nampak malaikat....kalau malaikat menggunakan kuasa yang diberi...memang 100% mati semua orang kat tempat tu....tp Rasulullah SAW cakap tidak perlu nak apa2 kan mereka...mereka tidak tahu....begitu mulianya perkerti Baginda....sanggup ke kita nak cakap mcm tu kalau kita dalam situasi Baginda???tentu tidak kan!....kalau nak dibandingkan manusia dengan Rasulullah, manusia ni macam tahi khinzir tau tak...kalau ada lebih teruk dari tahi khinzir sila lah bgtau..tp org zaman sekarang, orang Islam pulak tu, mencerca,menghina dan mengutuk Rasulullah SAW macamlah diaorg tu bagus sangat....Wei manusia2 yang bodoh,aku nk tanya...Rasulullah SAW telah dijanjikan syurga...korg macam mana???nak cium bau syurga pun xboleh...dah berlagak...entah2 dosa je memanjang...semua manusia tidak sempurna...tapi yang membezakan kita adalah mereka yang menyedari hakikat tersebut dan membuat sesuatu dengan mereka yang tidak tahu dan kekal tidak tahu selama2nya...sy pun tidak sempurna...tetapi tidak sehingga ke tahap mengutuk Rasulullah SAW iaitu kekasih Allah SWT...tu sudah melampau...Rasulullah SAW adalah seorang yang sempurna dari segi sifat dan peribadi....kita patut mencontohi Baginda...bukan menghina Baginda...INGAT!! DARIPADA 1000 MANUSIA...999 AKAN MASUK NERAKA JAHANAM!!!dimanakah kita di dalam kumpulan tersebut??

Monday, February 8, 2010

the decision is mine

Monday, February 8, 2010
a week ago my cat is infected with a fever, so i took her to the vet.....
i didnt think anything about the fever...it is an ordinary fever right...
anyway as the day progresses i realize something was wrong....
however i could get her to any medical attention due to the holidays in which the vet was closed...
finally when i took her, i left the her there under the attention of the vet...
on saturday, the vet called saying that the cat has seizures...that is one of the bad sign....
so today i went to visit the cat and man...the cat was in horrible shape....she couldnt walk properly...i quote what the vet said... "she walks as if she is drunk"....and she couldnt see anymore..
the vet then said to me...i should take her home and tried to give her time to recover....if she didnt show any improvement, well i have to decide on that....so...what should i do??
can u just say to people.." i leave the right to kill in your hands"...
that is so mess up....

Monday, January 11, 2010

Malaysia and its customer service

Monday, January 11, 2010
i bet a lot of people has written about this but what happen yesterday was really pushing my nerve because i have been patient for numerous blunders from our customer services....

ok here's the scoop...i was having dinner at Manhattan Fish Market which is one of my favorite place to eat...i had problem with ulcers at my tongue and so i had to take soft food...sifting through the menu i saw an appetizer...clam chowder which comes with different type of meat so to speak..so i ordered salmon clam chowder...and share a big platter of seafood with a friend...

i waited....the drinks came...then continue waiting...and waiting...and waiting....guess what food came after all that waiting...the seafood platter.....so i was wondering...do they know what appetizer means???...

seriously people...if you want to work in the food industry....you have to know these things....appetizer means that you eat it before the main course comes....

and to make things worse...the seafood platter was nearly finish but there is still no sign of the clam chowder...i called the waiter and told him that i want to cancel the clam chowder...the waiter did not even try to explain why they could not deliver the clam chowder......

how busy can you get??i mean really...there is a group of people having a birthday party there but that does not mean that you can ignore other customers orders.....

to compare the situation with the one that i saw in Japan, it's like next to nothing.....imagine this..a restaurant so pack that there is a line outside...but the waiter is so efficient and the chef is so fast that my family got what we ordered within 10 minutes...and we did order an appetizer which COMES BEFORE THE MAIN COURSE MIND YOU....

we thought because the food was fast that it will not taste so good...boy were we wrong...it was as if a first class chef made our food with such precision in taste....it was really delicious..

so in light of all of this i want to make suggestion to our customer service system in Malaysia...do your job properly OK!!....we pay you when you take our orders..some so expensive that it cost as much as the food ...therefore we expect to be given excellent service....and DONT GIVE ME we are not Japanese but we are Malaysian and therefore we are entitle to having bad service crap....i'll kick ur asses so hard you wish you were the cleaners of that place...

make role models from other nations which are much more advance in their customer service..it is the only way to move ahead and be on equal footing...

till next time...sayonara ;)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

finance...we meet again!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010
i was glad when i received my diploma certificate...it was the end for the 3 long years in Segamat learning financial stuff...i thought i was over...and boy was i WRONG!!!

my second sem in UM started...well..calmly and unchaotic i might say compare to last sem...

i mean last sem was like running around like crazy..because i knew my result just a couple of days

before the registration...i abandon everything in UiTM(literally...hehehe...sorry to my course

advisor for the trouble i caused) and move to study in UM

anyway back to story...i had financial management again due to the fact that it is a faculty subject.....

which means it is compulsory and i cannot use my credit exemption....owh well...

as the lecturer was explaining about time value of money i cant help but to remember what En. Sham(is it spelled with a Y or a H??hehehe.. sorry En.Sham) taught me....and after all that brain
squeezing we went to benteng and "lepak" there...good times..good times....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

kepada Allah kami beriman...Rasullulah pesuruh-Nya

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
sekarang isu tentang pengunaan kalimah Allah sibuk dicakap oleh pemimpin2 kita...sehinggakan

dibawa ke mahkamah yang membuahkan keputusan kalimah Allah dibenarkan untuk diguna oleh

bukan Islam ...tetapi yang peliknya...kenapa hakim dari bukan Islam atau para ulama yang

dijadikan sebagai pengadil???...adakah hakim tersebut tahu dan telah mengkaji tentang asal-usul

kalimah Allah itu sendiri dan bukan mengharapkan org lain menceritakan

kepadanya??...mungkin org yg menceritakan boleh menokok nambah cerita atau mengubah

cerita yang menyebabkan hakim tersebut salah faham...sebabnya perkara ini menyentuh akidah

umat Islam..bukan sewenang-wenangnya boleh diberi kata putus sebegitu.....kenapa sebelum

ini tidak dibawa ke mahkamah??...kenapa 3 tahun dahulu tidak dibawa ke mahkamah?kenapa

tidak 5 tahun dahulu??kenapa baru sekarang??...adakah tidak ada cara lain hendak merosakan akidah umat Islam sehinggakan mereka hendak menggunakan nama Allah sebagai titik

pembawa kesesatan mereka sedangkan nama Allah patut kita takuti dan beriman....

ingatlah kamu semua...balasan Allah bukan sahaja di akhirat...

kita telah acap kali melihat kekuasaan Allah contohnya tsunami 2004 dimana kita melihat

beratus-ratus ribu orang terkorban dan Banda Acheh ditukarkan menjadi tidak ubah seperti tin

minuman yang telah di pijak menjadi penyek...dan Acheh hanya mempunyai sebahagian saja

yang menghadap laut...cuba bayangkan Malaysia yang kedua2 bahagiannya menghadap laut ini

menghadapi tsunami dari Allah??....wallahua'lam...

ingat balasan Allah tidak mengenal manusia...yang beriman dan yang tidak akan terima

juga..tetapi yang beriman beruntunglah mereka...mendapat keredhaan Allah dan terlepas dari

dugaan dunia...tetapi yang tidak beriman..sudahlah sesat...tidak mendapat kesempatan untuk betaubat...

semoga Allah melindungi umat Islam...amin
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