i was glad when i received my diploma certificate...it was the end for the 3 long years in Segamat learning financial stuff...i thought i was over...and boy was i WRONG!!!
my second sem in UM started...well..calmly and unchaotic i might say compare to last sem...
i mean last sem was like running around like crazy..because i knew my result just a couple of days
before the registration...i abandon everything in UiTM(literally...hehehe...sorry to my course
advisor for the trouble i caused) and move to study in UM
anyway back to story...i had financial management again due to the fact that it is a faculty subject.....
which means it is compulsory and i cannot use my credit exemption....owh well...
as the lecturer was explaining about time value of money i cant help but to remember what En. Sham(is it spelled with a Y or a H??hehehe.. sorry En.Sham) taught me....and after all that brain
squeezing we went to benteng and "lepak" there...good times..good times....
Erti Sahabat
9 years ago
tvm? crap! haha. aku x faham satu apa pun belajar tvm.
faris bestnye belajar finance..hehe
tVM ssh gile kut..wan hasnah ajar pun ak xfajam..papepun gud luck k
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