Monday, January 11, 2010

Malaysia and its customer service

Monday, January 11, 2010
i bet a lot of people has written about this but what happen yesterday was really pushing my nerve because i have been patient for numerous blunders from our customer services....

ok here's the scoop...i was having dinner at Manhattan Fish Market which is one of my favorite place to eat...i had problem with ulcers at my tongue and so i had to take soft food...sifting through the menu i saw an appetizer...clam chowder which comes with different type of meat so to i ordered salmon clam chowder...and share a big platter of seafood with a friend...

i waited....the drinks came...then continue waiting...and waiting...and waiting....guess what food came after all that waiting...the seafood i was they know what appetizer means???...

seriously people...if you want to work in the food have to know these things....appetizer means that you eat it before the main course comes....

and to make things worse...the seafood platter was nearly finish but there is still no sign of the clam chowder...i called the waiter and told him that i want to cancel the clam chowder...the waiter did not even try to explain why they could not deliver the clam chowder......

how busy can you get??i mean really...there is a group of people having a birthday party there but that does not mean that you can ignore other customers orders.....

to compare the situation with the one that i saw in Japan, it's like next to nothing.....imagine this..a restaurant so pack that there is a line outside...but the waiter is so efficient and the chef is so fast that my family got what we ordered within 10 minutes...and we did order an appetizer which COMES BEFORE THE MAIN COURSE MIND YOU....

we thought because the food was fast that it will not taste so good...boy were we was as if a first class chef made our food with such precision in was really delicious..

so in light of all of this i want to make suggestion to our customer service system in your job properly OK!!....we pay you when you take our orders..some so expensive that it cost as much as the food ...therefore we expect to be given excellent service....and DONT GIVE ME we are not Japanese but we are Malaysian and therefore we are entitle to having bad service crap....i'll kick ur asses so hard you wish you were the cleaners of that place...

make role models from other nations which are much more advance in their customer is the only way to move ahead and be on equal footing...

till next time...sayonara ;)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

finance...we meet again!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010
i was glad when i received my diploma was the end for the 3 long years in Segamat learning financial stuff...i thought i was over...and boy was i WRONG!!!

my second sem in UM started...well..calmly and unchaotic i might say compare to last sem...

i mean last sem was like running around like crazy..because i knew my result just a couple of days

before the registration...i abandon everything in UiTM(literally...hehehe...sorry to my course

advisor for the trouble i caused) and move to study in UM

anyway back to story...i had financial management again due to the fact that it is a faculty subject.....

which means it is compulsory and i cannot use my credit exemption....owh well...

as the lecturer was explaining about time value of money i cant help but to remember what En. Sham(is it spelled with a Y or a H??hehehe.. sorry En.Sham) taught me....and after all that brain
squeezing we went to benteng and "lepak" there...good times..good times....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

kepada Allah kami beriman...Rasullulah pesuruh-Nya

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
sekarang isu tentang pengunaan kalimah Allah sibuk dicakap oleh pemimpin2 kita...sehinggakan

dibawa ke mahkamah yang membuahkan keputusan kalimah Allah dibenarkan untuk diguna oleh

bukan Islam ...tetapi yang peliknya...kenapa hakim dari bukan Islam atau para ulama yang

dijadikan sebagai pengadil???...adakah hakim tersebut tahu dan telah mengkaji tentang asal-usul

kalimah Allah itu sendiri dan bukan mengharapkan org lain menceritakan

kepadanya??...mungkin org yg menceritakan boleh menokok nambah cerita atau mengubah

cerita yang menyebabkan hakim tersebut salah faham...sebabnya perkara ini menyentuh akidah

umat Islam..bukan sewenang-wenangnya boleh diberi kata putus sebegitu.....kenapa sebelum

ini tidak dibawa ke mahkamah??...kenapa 3 tahun dahulu tidak dibawa ke mahkamah?kenapa

tidak 5 tahun dahulu??kenapa baru sekarang??...adakah tidak ada cara lain hendak merosakan akidah umat Islam sehinggakan mereka hendak menggunakan nama Allah sebagai titik

pembawa kesesatan mereka sedangkan nama Allah patut kita takuti dan beriman....

ingatlah kamu semua...balasan Allah bukan sahaja di akhirat...

kita telah acap kali melihat kekuasaan Allah contohnya tsunami 2004 dimana kita melihat

beratus-ratus ribu orang terkorban dan Banda Acheh ditukarkan menjadi tidak ubah seperti tin

minuman yang telah di pijak menjadi penyek...dan Acheh hanya mempunyai sebahagian saja

yang menghadap laut...cuba bayangkan Malaysia yang kedua2 bahagiannya menghadap laut ini

menghadapi tsunami dari Allah??....wallahua'lam...

ingat balasan Allah tidak mengenal manusia...yang beriman dan yang tidak akan terima

juga..tetapi yang beriman beruntunglah mereka...mendapat keredhaan Allah dan terlepas dari

dugaan dunia...tetapi yang tidak beriman..sudahlah sesat...tidak mendapat kesempatan untuk betaubat...

semoga Allah melindungi umat Islam...amin
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