Monday, May 10, 2010

The sign says no but they say yes!

Monday, May 10, 2010
i was with my family buying some food at Jusco Setiawangsa. That Jusco is particularly unique because it has an area where they made it into a garden. well I'm not gonna talk about that but what I want to talk about is the sign that was all around the area saying it is a NON SMOKING AREA!
well with that many sign saying that you could say that the people would understand and adhere to the rules. But i guess being Malaysian they are just so stupid and completely moronic to understand the words written on the board all around the Jusco. There are still people puffing away with not the care in the world.
Maybe i should take the sign and bash them in the head then would the rules get into their thick headed no brain skulls.
Didn't they read in the newspaper and heard it over the news that this country is trying to reduce the growth of cancer rate? Jusco is a family go to place meaning there are small children and babies there. Doesn't your conscience even an ounce of it tug in your I suppose empty brain? Do you even care if you going to give cancer to the young children and babies when they grow up? heck some didn't have the chance to grow up because the cancer kills them at a young age.
i know the suffering of families that have cancer survivor in the family. My mom is one of the cancer survivor. As i am writing this, she just discovered a few weeks ago that her cancer has come back for the fourth time and she is still undergoing chemotherapy.
That is the reason i despise people who smoke. they don't care the lives that they destroy just to have a minute of ecstasy. but i guess that is Malaysian to you, they don't think before they do something.
i think it would take a miracle to make Malaysian a genuine thinking and caring society because Malaysian only do something if they get something in return. THAT IS THE TRUTH!
And on that note i will stop this ranting of mine as I wanna watch P.Ramlee acting in one of his masterpiece

After the exam! one year has past since the end and beginning of a chapter

i have put off blogging for a long time due to the fact that i want to focus on my studies. Anyway, it has been a more than a week since my final exam for my 2nd semester in University Malaya. Which marks the end of the 1st year in University Malaya.
Gosh it has been a year since my last class in UiTM Segamat and also the day i was accepted into University Malaya. All those sweet and bitter memories still hung in my mind just like the smell of curry being cook in the middle of the day, the aroma lingers in the air making you hungry for more.
The fights,disagreements and laughter that i share with my friends are like precious ornaments that you are scared to move, afraid that it will break. Unmovable, it collects dust until finally, it is forgotten just like everything else.
i guess what i am trying to say is, you always take for granted the things you have. That sounds a little cliche, but that is the perfect expression for this.
i always think that there is always tomorrow to talk with my friends, to hangout with them or study with them. But who says tomorrow is waiting for you? you could be sick at the end of the day and tomorrow be bed ridden for the rest of the day. therefore, where is the tomorrow?the next thing you know, it is the end of the semester and you are waving goodbye through the tinted windows of a car, wishing that you could rewind everything and correct every mistakes. but alas, it is only in the fragment of your imagination, like a scratch on the surface of a glass.
But that is the natural thing for a human to feel, reminiscing the lost time and memories. that is what makes a human, human.
Anyway, all i can do in this stage of my life is to move on and make the best possible outcome for myself by not repeating the same mistakes. Can i do that? only time will tell. I also urge all of my friends to make the best of their life also. ikiteimasu my friends
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